
Vendetta War - Prologue

So I've decided that, in order to keep up with Strike Fleet Templar and Inferno Fleet, I should run a fairly loose story line along with them, just to make sure that they aren't forgotten and discarded.  So, here goes nothing.

Admiral Hewie looked out from the bridge of Dante with a feeling of pride growing within him.  Everything was falling into place.  His cruiser squadron moved into position 15 million kilometers off his starboard side, while his frigate squadrons supported his port.  The nebula was at one o'clock from his current position, and a large Jovian planet sat lazily spinning about 500 million kilometers to his 10 o'clock.  The Terran fleet would pay dearly for their lack of precaution, even in what seemed like friendly space.  He tried to recall what the name of the planet was in order to calm his jitters, but couldn't.  "Helmsman, what is the name of that planet?"  The helmsman looked confused at what seemed like an odd question right before they launched their ambush on the Terran Fleet.  "Um.... Nova Welshbane, sir". The Admiral nodded and leaned back in his chair.  "Bring up fleet wide transmissions, inform the fleet to begin maneuvers and fire when within range band 3..."

The Nergal moved forward like a predator from ancient Earth's sea.  Commodore Perry Aquillinus looked around his bridge.  His men looked the part too.  All had the look of the hunter about them, snarls etched into their features as the went about their tasks.  They had been assigned the far right flank of the battleline.  Sensor relays showed there was something out here, but the nebula was making it difficult to tell what it was.  It didn't matter, Perry thought savagely, because they were men of the RSN.  The Spook Class cruiser he commanded was more than capable of eliminating anything short of a Dreadnaught....

The Sentinal Class Cruiser squadron, led by the H. D. Faverham, moved through the abyss.  It was almost majestic in a way, a full Cruiser squadron of the Terran Alliance under way, but that majesty was ripped away by a torrent of explosions.  

"DIRECT HIT!  They didn't even see em coming!"  The helmsman regained his composure quickly under the Commodore's steely gaze.  Inside, the Commodore was just as ecstatic, but he had a job to do.  "Fire another wave of torpedoes."  

The battle seemed to rage on between the Cruisers, but they had done their job.  The rest of the Terran Fleet was rapidly changing direction in an attempt to gain a foothold on their flank.  That is when Admiral Hewie loosed the rest of Inferno Fleet.  It was a small fleet engagement, but one that developed quickly into a swirling melee of combats.  The RSN frigates advanced on the Terrans main battlefront, but the shields the Terrans were renowned for took the punch out of the RSN frigates and quickly caused them to disperse, where the ships were destroyed piecemeal.  It was unfortunate, but their sacrifice was necessary.  The Terran frigates had suffered some damage, leaving only 3 in any serviceable condition.  The Dante turned towards the nebula, bringing her broadsides to bear, crushing another frigate in withering firepower.

Colonel Virgil stood glaring at his Hellstriders aboard the Dante.  "Are you men ready to launch?!"  A resounding affirmative came throughout the compartment of the assault boat.  "Then you whoresons better be ready for the time of your life!  Admiral wants a frigate for some R&D work back at base, so were gonna deliver!"  With that, he punched the all clear button on the hatch, and the Assault boats launched clear...

"Assaulters away sir."  Admiral Hewie nodded and looked at his helmsmen.  "He's a big boy.  Bring us about to headed zero-four-nine, three quarters speed."  He turned to the comms station and punched up the forward weapons command.  "Prepare torpedoes and forward batteries for long range firing."

Steam rolled through the Nergal as another hit rocked the ship.  Sweat poured down Perry's face, and he wiped it away hastily as he barked for engineering to initiate an S-turn to dodge the next wave of torpedoes the dying Terran Cruisers spat at them.  "Dammit!  Bring around auxiliary power to the engines, get us closer!  Ram those torpedoes down their throat!"  A brilliant explosions rocked the view port in front of him and a ragged cheer erupted from the crew, and a savage smile burst across Perry's face as he watched the second Terran cruiser die a flaming death.  The last cruiser made way to try and escape, ceasing all firing and turning sharp.  It never got the chance as a full forward battery and full compliment of torpedoes bore down on it from the massive hulk of the Battleship Dante impacted.  The final signal that the battle was won was the enemy battleship, the H. D. Payens, shunting away with a miserable two frigates.  A third shunted away, after a snagged toothed grin from Colonel Virgil came through on the comms moments before.  The day was won by the might and superior strategy of the RSN, and the general surprise of the Terran Fleet.  

Admiral Hewie sat in his command chair as the remaining damage reports rolled in from around the fleet.  The frigates had suffered the most damage, and most would require at least 3 months in dry dock to be back to operating strength.  The Cruisers had done excellent work that day, with the only real damage on the Hecate.  Senior Captain Vermillion Blake had been wounded, but would live to regain his ships fine reputation for "takin' a lickin' but we just keep on tickin'".  They had dealt a blow to the Terrans, but he knew he would have to get back and strike again soon enough if he wanted the blows to keep getting felt...

Savagery was the only word to describe what the crew saw in the Rear Admirals eyes.  They knew he would be out for blood...  Rear Admiral DeBouse had taken a pict capture of the ship he KNEW was responsible for this.  In big, ocher letters, on the side of the RSN ship, DeBouse read the word again and again and again, until his eyes were bloodshot and he was stiff with exhaustion.  Dante........

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