

Hey All!  

Something has just shunted into scanner range....

Thats right!  As the title gives away, its time to unveil my two Firestorm Fleets!

Something is spotted...

The fleets have assembled and are bloodied and battered.  First game was against a buddy of mine who borrowed my Terran Fleet and played Starter box games.  The RSN managed to come out on top after 4 turns of bloody action.  My cruisers for RSN are powerhouses.  Definitely some more in my future.  On the Terran side of the game, they have some nasty frigates.  They might only have Fore fixed weapons and torpedoes, but their shields and long range capabilities (for Frigates) was insane.  In the end game, RSN managed to kill 3 frigates, all 3 cruisers, and take a frigate prize.  The Terrans managed to destroy all 6 RSN frigates, and beat on my Cruisers - but not kill any.  Both battleships stayed relatively clear.

Looking forward to more games over the next 3 weeks and getting some Dreadball painted up and played!  Also, it seems that there are some Firestorm Satellites that need painting up, and long range scanners are picking up something big on the horizon...  Until then, Tarum et clama dimit belli canes!

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