

So, we have some important news to show off today!

Played my first game of Warhammer 40k in almost a year.  1000 points of Chaos Space Marines against 1000 points of Necrons.  Great game!

Chaos Marines 1000:

Khorne Lord - chain ax, plasma pistol, mark of Khorne.

10 Bezerkers - 2 plasma pistols, powerfist, chainaxes

10 Marines - mark of tzeench, bolters, 2 plasma guns

10 Marines - mark of tzeench, ccw, power sword, plasma pistol

2 Naked Rhinos

2 Obliterators - mark of tzeench

Necrons 1000:

Overlord - Resurrection orb, gauntlet of fire, and other stuff I don't remember

Crypt tech

20 warriors in 2 squads

5 Deathmarks

2 Ghost Arcs

Doom Scythe



Game had 4 buildings in the center with scattered crates and such as debris around the field.  Game was pretty fast paced.  Exchanged plenty of shots, until my Bezerkers jumped out of their rhino and launched into the Overlord and his warrior retinue.  Chaos lord challenged, was a stalemate for the whole game.  Bezerkers finished off the Warriors, but didn't make it happen until the end of turn 5.  We didn't make the roll to keep going, so the Relic sat 3 inches from my troop bezerkers at the end of the game.  It was a win for the Necrons, who had first blood and line breaker.  Great game though!

Tomorrow I will be playing a game of Uncharted with my Shroud Mages against Bone Griffons, and then maybe a game of 40k that is smaller against some new folks that we are introducing to the game.  Sorry for not posting any pictures, I didn't manage to snag any.

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