
Rise of Empires in The Age of Beasts

Hey all, just a quick post today.  Wanted to shoot all of you over to the awesome narrative campaign that covers an area of the Games-Workshop Age of Sigmar timeline that is almost completely glossed over in the books and stories.

So, Hobby Hammer and Sean H. decided to allow players to join and help flesh out part of the Realm of Ghur with as much fluff and story progression as possible.  I am helping to do my part for the rest of the year (or longer depending on how the campaign goes!) by playing my friends here in Alabama and Atlanta and writing up narrative battle reports, as well as writing up unit fluff for units that I post during the course of the narrative campaign.  I am beginning with my Skaven Clan, Plaguemaster Malkk's Festerscar Clan, but will slowly add in my Khorne Bloodbound (I'll let the story unfold as to how that happens) and possibly some Nurgle daemons and followers from the Rotbringers.  I am really looking forward to participating in this, and hope that some of my readers will too.  Here is a link to the blog as a whole, where you can find my initial posting as well as many other great examples of how this is going to unfold over the next ten months and beyond!





  1. Nice didn't realise that was you! Really enjoyed reading that post, look forward to more! I feel like we could definitely be allies in it...

    1. I think we could work out something ;) I'd keep a look out for some cameos in the stories to come! May be envoys from the West coming to the Rot Tree. I'm really looking forward to getting into this campaign.
