
New Year, New Blog... Sort of

Hello all!

Just want to start off by saying Happy New Year!  Wait... its the 22nd already?!  Well that was one hell of a Christmas Party....

Bad jokes aside, I'd like to welcome you to the New Year here at the Sinscaptain's Log.  It's my goal over the length of this post to show off some of the things that I have done since the last post in *cough*September*cough* and let you know what I will be trying to accomplish as my hobby goals for the new cycle around the giant ball of nuclear hot hydrogen and helium.

So, lets start with the old shall we?

Over the course of almost 4 months, I played a crazy amount of X-Wing, first using (3) Tala Squad pilots and Han Solo with Droids then Darth Vader TIE Advanced with (4) Zeta Squadron pilots.  Loved the way playing one ace with a couple of minions plays on the table.  Still not very good at X-Wing, but it is fun!

WHATS THIS?!?!  AGE OF SIGMAR?!  I must be insane.  I convinced a friend to try some of the comp systems with me and we have fallen in love with the game.  What started out as us pushing around square based vestiges of the past has turned into a full fledged multi army system for both of us.  #lovingit.

Rebasing progress has been slow - I did get all of the rats on mdf round bases (provided by the lovely folks down at Angry Mojo Games)  Although I have to say that some of the models need to have their base sizes changed out - my Doomwheel primary among them.  Doesnt quite fit on a 120mm oval well, too big.

Many board games have gone on as well, too many to even feature.  Here is a 2-player game of Flick 'Em Up - great game, but the price is a little high for me.  Its absolutely worth the price, just not something that I would play enough to justify the cost.  If I had kids or young cousins, this would be a good purchase.  However, for a bunch of semiconscious college kids that get to play board games once every few weeks?  Nah.

Another Board game that we were enjoying for a couple of sessions - Tesla vs Edison.  Great game with awesome components and really clever stock systems.  Very cut throat game as well.

One of the last big games of Age of Sigmar that we got to play before I had to move. Great game - eventually the right flank melted under the pressure.  Stormcasts are mean man.

Another shot of the same game.  Forgot to snap some pictures when it started to get crazy, but in the end I did get crushed by the Stormcasts.

With the New Year, we tried our hand at playing Twilight Imperium and had a great time with it!  Took us around 6 hours to play a 4-player game, so that was pretty fast compared to what I had heard it takes in the past.  I ended up picking up a copy of TI3 at a swap meet for about half the price.


Well, coming up during this stretch of 5-6 months, I am planning on getting my Age of Sigmar armies painted up.  I have a great little collection of Khorne Bloodbound that I am looking to get built up to be my second army.  I am also planning a reboot of my Skaven to unify them under one color scheme, rather than the three or four that I have going on currently.  I would love to have the Skaven all run up through Pestilence colors, or to go with the following paint scheme - which I took from Tale of Painters.  I might consider changing the red to a green, to bring it more in line with my bias towards Pestilence themed armies.

With my Khorne Bloodbound, I am thinking about painting them up like the beautifully done models over at Warpainter 40k.  These are gorgeously done, and I really like the idea of night raiding Bloodbound in the realm of Aqshy.  

What else do I have planned?  We'll if painting up my Bloodbound goes well, and I get all of the Skaven repainted and rebased (thinking of doing their bases as a jungle or steppe, both of which would be set in the realm of Beasts).

From there, I am thinking that I might expand the Nurgle Worshipping to include the new "Get Started with Nurgle Daemons" Box and the Nurgle Rotbringers Warband box set.  These would be to go along with my Skaven or to have in another Realm, possibly the realm of life or the realm of metal.  The end-all-be-all "If I were a millionaire" scenario would be to have forces to place against all of these armies.

For instance:

Khorne Bloodbound "Night Raiders" vs Fyreslayers of the Hermdar Lodge.

Skaven Clan Varaz under Malkk the Ever-Infested vs Savage Goblin Gits Horde

Nurgle Rotbringers/Plague Daemons vs Aelfs/Steamhead Duardin/Bretonnia/etc; this will probably wait until after some more of the new armies drop over the course of the year. Depending on how the new Aelfs look, that may be an option in the future - I do miss my High Elves from time to time.  

So, I think that this is it for now.  I will probably have some Malifaux coming down the pike soon, and I am hoping to have pictures posted soon with progress on how my Bloodbound are progressing!  Until next time!  

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