
Public Apologies and an Update

                Good morning all, I hope that you are all doing well.  It has come to be that time again where I apologize profusely for my lack of posting anything on here for some time again.  It has been almost 4 months since my last update on anything that is going on in the world of gaming or posting any reviews for games and miniatures.  I am sorry that I am not able to post efficiently, but life happens, and I will always manage to get a few posts in a year at the absolute minimum.
                This brings me to today’s post – we are here, so we may as well take advantage of the time we have to get some information out about what has been going on in my world of gaming.  Since the last time I was on here, I have expanded my Board Game collection by a good 4-5 titles, including Splendor, Dixit, Russian Railroads, Oddball Aeronauts, Istanbul, Yardmaster, Mice & Mystics, Tokaido, Twilight Struggle, and others.  My miniatures have also grown – now including the amazing Tara Crew for Malifaux, a good collection of X-Wing Rebel forces, and an old Colette Crew for Malifaux as well.  I am constantly researching new games to play still, attempting to drag as many people into the fold as possible.  So far, I have only been able to get games of X-Wing in with a group of guys at the local hobby shop – which is absolutely ok with me, because X-Wing is such an amazing game to get introduced to and to get weekly games in with. 

My usual builds for my X-Wing squadron includes:

-        -   Roark Garnet’s HWK 290 with Blaster Turret, Recon Specialist, and Moldy Crow title.

-         - Biggs’ X-Wing naked

-         -  Rookie Pilot X-Wing

-          - Jake Farrell’s A-Wing with Push the Limit, Chardaan Refit.

However, my next build will look like something similar to this:

-          -  Roark Garnet’s HWK 290 with Blaster Turret, Recon Specialist, and Moldy Crow title.

-         - Jake Farrell’s A-Wing with Push the Limit, Chardaan Refit, Decoy, and A-Wing test pilot.

-         - Airen Cracken’s Z-95 Headhunter with Expert Handling, Proton Rockets, and Munitions failsafe.

-         - Bandit Squadron Pilot in Z-95 with Proton Rockets and Munitions failsafe.

I have yet to try this build, but this coming Thursday I will be testing this build for the first time.  I am wary because it does not include my usual Biggs fest to keep all of my pilots alive for the first couple of turns.  This list does allow me to shoot first with a good portion of my squadron though, if I play my ships correctly.  I should be able to give Bandit Squad PS 12 at the beginning of combat, and then decoy Jake’s PS over to Roark so that the blaster turret can get a good shot off after the two Z-95’s have their shots.  This is the plan going into games of course.  If I am playing against any large base ships, this list turns into a “let’s see how fast we can get around behind them” kind of play style.  These ships are fast, minus the HWK, but eventually I will rectify that with an engine upgrade to the HWK, allowing it to boost without any issue, allowing the ship to get out of harm’s way or back into position after a bad dial phase.

X-Wing is a great little game that really lets me get my game on once a week for a couple of games in a very small amount of time.  It is for this reason, as well as the fact that the game is so popular and you can always find someone to play, that it has become my go to game at the store for the most part.  I am looking forward to the possibilities of adding to this experience by getting Star Wars: Armada when it releases, so that I can have a deeper gaming experience while still most likely having a great amount of players to game with.  The main thing that drives me to games is the number of players that are in the local and national level, so that I will have people to game against.  Plus the models for Armada just look dead sexy, with the added bonus of not having to lift a paint brush to replicate those amazing looks on the models.  I really enjoy the fact that the two FFG Star Wars games are totally pre painted and 98% ready to go as soon as you pull the model out of the box – minus punching out all of the card board.  This is a huge selling point to me, because I am not the best painter in the world, and I really don’t want to have to sink the time into painting another group of miniatures to game with.  It really makes it easy to get into the games. 

                My local game store has a few characters that are more than willing to try other game systems though, which is excellent for me, seeing as I have more than enough games for people to try that I could rave about for hours.  In this case, I have managed to convince someone to give Malifaux a try, and they even went out and bought one of the old metal Colette crews to try out.  This Thursday I will be giving him a demo of the game to run him through some of the basics of the game and to get myself back into the groove of things.  He has asked me to bring a selection of crews, so hopefully he has already assembled his crew and had them painted up.  If he has, we can use his crew against one of my two assembled crews.  I believe that I will let him proxy some of my models as his totem, to allow him to field a crew around 30 SS.  I will most likely field Spawn Mother so that he can see some of the crazy summoning rules and some of the interesting things you can do with a crew.  I will also take Silurids and Gupps in all likelihood.  I am really looking forward to getting a game of Malifaux in after so long, so this should be good.  Hopefully my buddy enjoys this game and will continue to play after this beginning demo.

                I want to wrap up this post with some information regarding where this Blog is headed.  I am a firm believer in the idea that change is good, and this blog will be good.  Over the next few months there will be many changes to how I approach this blog and to how the blog itself functions.  It really has no discernable form as of right now, and I would love to change that.  With the creation of Thursday night X-Wing I have a set tabletop game that I can atleast talk about every week without having to stretch too far.  And so I think that I will set up the blog so that there are updates every month about all of the X-Wing games that I have played, and then sprinkle in some editorials on game systems that I enjoy, some battle reports from other games that I have played over the month, and generally anything cool that is happening around the gaming world of Atlanta right now that I am experiencing.

What to look forward to next time:

Can the man in the computer screen keep his word and update this thing atleast once a month?  Can he win a game of X-Wing against his friends?  Is Malifaux going to make a comeback!?  Will there be a token mention of Skaven before this post ends?

Until next time, dear readers, I hope you win all your games and crush your foes.  Good luck and happy gaming!


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