
Storm's a comin'

Aye, I got a story for ye.  T'was bout forty years ago I reckon.  That's when this story should begin....

The heyday of the Pirate's Code of Honor that was.  The days when Black-Wyrd still sailed the seas as a mortal man.  Men used to fly the colors high in those days, not skulk about like whipped dogs!  The pirates around these parts don't know how to act any more, not since the Elves started to come in 'ere and "tidy up" after us.  Curse them!  Fouler creatures haven't dared crawl out from the ocean than them blasted pointy ear'd boot lickers....  But I digress from me tale.

Black-Wyrd used to sail the seas then, under his own flag.  He was a fierce one, that old dog.  Helped us establish our little slick o' heaven right 'ere in these parts.  I myself used to run the Harbor on the North Coast, right past Skull Rock.  T'was there that I caught me first glimpse of 'im.  Cap'n Maximo Sal Vittorio.  The man was a living, breathing embodiment of our code of honor.  That was a man who believed in the code, and would die for his brethren if it was called for.  He cared for his crew, and believed that all of his men should be held accountable, because they were all just as capable.  Respect was earned on his ship - The Majestic - a fine 18 gun Brig she was.  *sigh*  He was one of the best of us.  He earned his way up to become one of the few men to have the title of Pirate Lord.  Maximo was the golden idol of the Age of Piracy. 

Me thinks this is why he became the target of every black hearted creatures ire.  He and his armada of ships, headed by "The Majestic", made the decision to attack an entire convoy of High Elf merchantmen.  It was an easy battle, with fast sloops chasing after fat merchant ships, and The Majestic launching volley after volley into the few military ships, including a mighty Man-O-War....

This is where the story becomes a dark tale.  The cowardly wizard cur on the High Elf Man-O-War - Manoir - came down from his high tower, and sent forth waves of lightning, crushing the sloops "Sebastian" and "Venison."  The fool then turned and summoned the power of the Northern Winds, and blew a mighty gale against "The Majestic", but only managed to make the ship sway as if it was in a light breeze.  Maximo laughed deeply and called for his men to heave too and bring them about.  Maximo had become too brash in his supposed supremacy as a Pirate Lord.  His brig unloaded shot after shot, but it managed not a single dent into the mighty Man-O-War.

Maximo knew now that he had picked a fight that he would need to use every trick he knew, but he was destined to kill the mighty warship.  The merchants had already fled, his fleet had been crushed, but Maximo would have his revenge.  It was then that he called for the boarding assault to begin, turning to his wizard and ordering him to send the ship there with great speed.  The ships crashed together, and Maximo swung onto the deck, followed behind by his wizard.  

With a flash of light, the Wizard Manoir stood before the Pirate Lord, and they entered combat.  Lightning flashed from the wizards fingers and Maximo's blades flashed like cannon fire in the night.  Manoir took a blade to his hand, and fell to the deck, a look of disgust burned onto his face.  He looked up, a blade at his throat, and spat a foul curse at the glorious Pirate Lord and his wizard.  In a flash of waves and black lightning, both "The Majestic" and the Man-O-War began to sink, and the great heroes of the battle were washed away....

And that, ye fools, is how the Pirate Lord Maximo and the Wizard Benedict, became the lost.  They returned to land changed.  They were creatures of the sea now.  Maximo returned to his home and was exiled, but not before he stole a small ship and shanghaied a crew.  "The Madman's Mercy"  left port, the safe haven of a wounded and beaten man, a man he doesn't trust, and a crew that is terrified of their new master.  Maximo made for the land of Lustria, bound to find the secret waters of the inner continent to return himself to his former glory, and claim his rightful place as a Pirate Lord of Sartosa....

Beware, all ye who enter those waters.  Lord Maximo stalks the waters there, searching for his lost life, and his lost crew.  Beware, for he has lost all sense of the word loyalty.  He fights for coin and for news of the inner continent, so that he might one day have his revenge.  

With that the old pirate stood, stretched his aching bones, and hobbled off towards the sun drenched beach in the waning hours of the day, the sea turned blood red by the setting sun.  Turning to the left, there is a strike of a match as the suns rays finally set.  A grim chuckle reverberates throughout the shanty bar, and a slight humming comes from the shadows.  A silhouette is illuminated for a brief second as the match falls to the ground....

Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me.....


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