
Weekly Update #2

Hey All!

Been a busy week of tabletop thanks to the long weekend and not much homework.  Last Sunday I had the pleasure of going and meeting up with a local Spartan Vanguard at Treefort Games.

Before we met up, I taught a friend how to play Firestorm Armada with the RSN and Terran Starter boxes minus Battleships, which resulted in a bloody draw - but with the surrender of the Terrans to my mighty RSN after it came down to a pair of wounded RSN cruisers and a third crippled cruiser against a pair of Terran cruisers and a handful of frigates.  Good game overall but he wasn't sold on the space ships.

Then I broke out my resin colored Shroud Mages fleet and played a whooping 15 turn game against some elves where my frigates chased down a battleship and stern raked it for atleast 5 turns, my battleship unloaded broadside after broadside into cruisers that wouldn't die, and then finally Elves rammed wounded Cruisers and took Shroud Mage Cruisers as prizes.  In the end, I really enjoyed my first game of Uncharted Seas, and will definitely play again.  In fact I liked it so much I bought a Ripper sub, and then on Labor Day took 8 hours to paint my entire collection of Shroud Mages.

Of course my friend wanted to try a game of Uncharted - he used to play a Pirates Game - which he taught me.  But now he has his eyes set on some Imperial Humans to paint up and play (although he says IF he decides to play) We tried to whip through a game where he took over the Vanguard's Orc Fleet, but we just didn't have enough time to get through it before closing - although it started out with a trio of Shroud Mage Frigates steaming up to a cruiser and rolling a crit to knock 5 AD off of his Port Broadside....

All in all, Sunday's games were great fun, and the paint splurge that ensured on Monday was excellent.  I look forward to expanding my fleet and getting it to around 1500 points, which means the addition of something like 6 smalls, 6 mediums, and a flagship to my fleet, plus various upgrades to the fleet in addition to the models - this would also allow for some tactical flexibility in smaller games, and give me plenty of variety.

Anyway, thats pretty much all I have for this update, sorry for the lack of photos, hope you all enjoyed anyway!  Well until next time,  Tarum et clama dimit belli canes! 

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