Hello again!
Long time no see!
Sorry that it has been so long folks. Just been busy with life and school. But I have managed to get some gaming in! Been mostly Uncharted Seas, with some other games thrown in for flavor. A game or two of X-Wing, a game of 40k, and some other less tabletop-ish stuff; Power Grid.
However, that really isn't what I wanted to talk about today. I have been enjoying games, but I am also disgusted with one in particular....
Warhammer 40,000
I am so done with that game. I am done with everything about it. I am done with Games-Workshop. I am irritated by all of their floundering about and ruining the rules. Don't get me wrong, the models are fantastic, the IP is truly one of the best, and it is a fantastic idea. But there are several glaring things that have made this game an example of what game companies SHOULD NOT do.
1. The price hikes. All of them. From bring the price of single model clam shell packs from $8 to around $20 over the course of 8 years to the increase of the core rule book from $50 (which was expensive then) to $85 is just ludicrous. Plus the raising of codex prices from $22 to $50?! Excuse me? It is price gouging at its finest. Now they have other ways to get you too now: Allies, escalation, strongpoint, flyers, Forge World, you name it.
2. Allies, Escalation, Strongpoint Assault, Flyer, and Forgeworld Escalation. Also normal 40k legal formations. What the hell. Seriously, when did Apocalypse become mainstream 40k? There was a reason we only play Apoc once or twice a year if that. It's RIDICULOUS. It lets you break the game.
40k is broken and stomped on now. There is nothing left of the golden days of 40k. People say that this is a golden age of 40k now, but I would compare it more to the Dark Ages. Or a Cold War of sorts. Everyone is vying for position to have the most powerful unit combinations. Trying to out broadside and out Riptide their opponents. Find a way to squeeze more than 2 Helldrakes into a list. Try and get an orbital bombardment into a game. Buying an entire Tau army to add into their allies with their Eldar psychers on a fortress of redemption. Why does any of that make sense in the Narrative? Why does that make sense? Why do people insist on spending more money to buy superheavy tanks and titans?
Greed. Greed from Games-Workshop, but more importantly, greed from the player base. The players want to win more than they want to play the game. There are no decent 40k players any more, or if there are, they are few and far between. 40k is a corrupt game, a snake that is devouring itself. 40k has abandoned its original purposes of being somewhat humorous and silly and just a GAME with a good story to an ultra competitive and ridiculous arms race to see who can buy the biggest toy to win.
I can't stand it.
That is why I, personally, don't purchase any GW any more. I don't enjoy it. The last two things I am going to buy from them anytime in the near future are the 9th edition Fantasy rulebook, and the new Skaven army book. If I ever decide to play another fantasy army, I will use other companies models and just purchase the army book. I am over this company and its bastardization of great IP.
Find new games!
Uncharted Seas, Firestorm Armada, Dystopian Wars, Dystopian Legions, Aeronef, Dark Potential, Deep Wars, Dropzone Commander, Heavy Gear Blitz, Heavy Gear Arena, Helldorado, Infinity, Kings of War, Deadzone, MERCS, Black Powder, Bolt Action, Warmahordes, Urban War, Wild West Exodus, Wreck Age, or one of the hundreds of small games that can use all of the support and help they can get, that you can use whatever models you want. Or try something new, like a mesh between wargame and card game: X-Wing, Age of Sail, Wings of War, or many others.
Variety is the spice of life and all.
The tales of heroic victories, disheartening losses, moments of inspiration, and of moving little plastic toys around on a table for a couple hours with other grown men. Come on in and make yourselves comfortable - you're in the captain's house now. *none of the images, models, videos, etc. are backed by Wyrd, Games-Workshop, Privateer Press, etc. we're a couple of dudes in a basement who still play with toys, don't sue us please!
Hey all!
Been a while since I last posted, so I will fill you in on everything that has been going on hobby wise.
New stuff via several different routes includes:
- Scourge Starter Box for Dropzone Commander
- Tohaa Starter box for Infinity
- X-Wing Core Set
- Maulerfiend and a pair of Chaos Predators
Cannot wait to get everything painted up and ready to roll out. Already almost to 750 points of Chaos painted for our 40k Escalation League. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to do much more than paint Chaos stuff as school has really picked up the last week or so.
Stuff that is preparing for its final voyage:
- Entire Eldar Collection
- Armourcast Reaver Titan
- Entire High Elves Collection
This stuff just needed to get a new home where someone could take the time to use them and do them right. I traded my buddy my well used Eldar army, my High Elves, and my Titan to get my hands on the Chaos stuff, as well as my Infinity starter kit and the new Terrans out of the Two Player Box set for Firestorm Armada. Should be pretty sweet to get into all of this new stuff.
In addition to all of this excitement, I got about 6 games of X-Wing in today. What a fantastic game. It is so simple, yet it is so fun and the replayability is insane, that I might just invest in a second core set. Or in some different stuff, such as a few y-wings and TIE Interceptors.
Anyway, thats all I have for now, so take care!
Been a while since I last posted, so I will fill you in on everything that has been going on hobby wise.
New stuff via several different routes includes:
- Scourge Starter Box for Dropzone Commander
- Tohaa Starter box for Infinity
- X-Wing Core Set
- Maulerfiend and a pair of Chaos Predators
Cannot wait to get everything painted up and ready to roll out. Already almost to 750 points of Chaos painted for our 40k Escalation League. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to do much more than paint Chaos stuff as school has really picked up the last week or so.
Stuff that is preparing for its final voyage:
- Entire Eldar Collection
- Armourcast Reaver Titan
- Entire High Elves Collection
This stuff just needed to get a new home where someone could take the time to use them and do them right. I traded my buddy my well used Eldar army, my High Elves, and my Titan to get my hands on the Chaos stuff, as well as my Infinity starter kit and the new Terrans out of the Two Player Box set for Firestorm Armada. Should be pretty sweet to get into all of this new stuff.
In addition to all of this excitement, I got about 6 games of X-Wing in today. What a fantastic game. It is so simple, yet it is so fun and the replayability is insane, that I might just invest in a second core set. Or in some different stuff, such as a few y-wings and TIE Interceptors.
Anyway, thats all I have for now, so take care!
New 40k Beginners Escalation League
Hey all!
So, with the birth of a new hobby group and the reset of 40k for all of us in it, adds starting an escalation league within our group!
Rules are that every 2 weeks you have another 250 points painted. First week you just need a HQ and 1 Troop, then fill out the rest. We play games every other Friday evening, which will get everyone up to speed with rules and painting hopefully! Should be good fun!
Myself - Chaos Space Marines
Michael - Grey Knights
James - Necrons
Russell - Tyranids
Shawn - Imperial Guard
Mike - Orks
Brayson - Space Marines
Brandon - Tau
Mike - Orks
Brayson - Space Marines
Brandon - Tau
An excellent mix I think. Should be a lot of fun, and good experience for everyone at a relaxed enough pace to get everything accomplished within school time constraints.
However, this Friday is the start of it. And there will still be a storm coming. Although it might be rescheduled....
Something Big is on the Horizon
A storm is brewing over the Uncharted Seas....
The Orc Raiders have been growing bolder. The Shroud Mages can feel something big is coming. They know not what it is.... But they know it is coming.
A Storm is coming........
This Friday
The Orc Raiders have been growing bolder. The Shroud Mages can feel something big is coming. They know not what it is.... But they know it is coming.
A Storm is coming........
This Friday
The Big Swap
Hey All!
Just wanted to take the time to let y'all know about some recent developments in my hobby world. As some of you might have known, I used to play Eldar for Warhammer 40k, but they were really starting to drag me down. They just weren't fun any more to me personally. And then the new update came out and that sealed the deal for me.
Also, I had a relatively large force of High Elves that I was never going to get around to being able to spend the proper amount of time on, so I also mothballed them for the longest time.
During the time those were mothballed, I came to love Uncharted Seas, Firestorm Armada, Warmachine, Dreadball, and even Infinity. I meant my good buddy Michael - a 40k fanatic and collector for many years - and we started to talk. I got him into other games and he loves it. Although deep down inside he is still a 40k fanatic. So, after much debate and dealings we decided on the following arrangement, to make both of our lives a little more variety filled:
A TRADE *drumrolls please*
So, heres a neat little list of all the dealings:
Sinscaptain gets:
Lots of Chaos Space Marines
Chaos Daemons
Terrans from the Firestorm Armada Box Set when it releases
Tohaa Starter box for Infinity
Michael gets:
High Elves
Just wanted to take the time to let y'all know about some recent developments in my hobby world. As some of you might have known, I used to play Eldar for Warhammer 40k, but they were really starting to drag me down. They just weren't fun any more to me personally. And then the new update came out and that sealed the deal for me.
Also, I had a relatively large force of High Elves that I was never going to get around to being able to spend the proper amount of time on, so I also mothballed them for the longest time.
During the time those were mothballed, I came to love Uncharted Seas, Firestorm Armada, Warmachine, Dreadball, and even Infinity. I meant my good buddy Michael - a 40k fanatic and collector for many years - and we started to talk. I got him into other games and he loves it. Although deep down inside he is still a 40k fanatic. So, after much debate and dealings we decided on the following arrangement, to make both of our lives a little more variety filled:
A TRADE *drumrolls please*
So, heres a neat little list of all the dealings:
Sinscaptain gets:
Lots of Chaos Space Marines
Chaos Daemons
Terrans from the Firestorm Armada Box Set when it releases
Tohaa Starter box for Infinity
Michael gets:
High Elves
Armor cast Reaver Titan
With everything it's a fairly equal trade, so it is an excellent day for hobbying. My blood thirst is growing and Khornr demands skulls, so my Traitors are more than ready to throw themselves into the breach and attack.... It's always a good day to die in 40k...
Terrans and Infinity are also awesome. Looking forward to the awesome battleship in the Firestorm box set, as well as the space station and really just everything. Infinity should be awesome because.... Terrain and infinity? That's awesome! Anywho, take care, and as always remember to cry "Havoc!" before you let slip the dogs of war.
So, we have some important news to show off today!
Played my first game of Warhammer 40k in almost a year. 1000 points of Chaos Space Marines against 1000 points of Necrons. Great game!
Chaos Marines 1000:
Khorne Lord - chain ax, plasma pistol, mark of Khorne.
10 Bezerkers - 2 plasma pistols, powerfist, chainaxes
10 Marines - mark of tzeench, bolters, 2 plasma guns
10 Marines - mark of tzeench, ccw, power sword, plasma pistol
2 Naked Rhinos
2 Obliterators - mark of tzeench
Necrons 1000:
Overlord - Resurrection orb, gauntlet of fire, and other stuff I don't remember
Crypt tech
20 warriors in 2 squads
5 Deathmarks
2 Ghost Arcs
Doom Scythe
Game had 4 buildings in the center with scattered crates and such as debris around the field. Game was pretty fast paced. Exchanged plenty of shots, until my Bezerkers jumped out of their rhino and launched into the Overlord and his warrior retinue. Chaos lord challenged, was a stalemate for the whole game. Bezerkers finished off the Warriors, but didn't make it happen until the end of turn 5. We didn't make the roll to keep going, so the Relic sat 3 inches from my troop bezerkers at the end of the game. It was a win for the Necrons, who had first blood and line breaker. Great game though!
Tomorrow I will be playing a game of Uncharted with my Shroud Mages against Bone Griffons, and then maybe a game of 40k that is smaller against some new folks that we are introducing to the game. Sorry for not posting any pictures, I didn't manage to snag any.
Played my first game of Warhammer 40k in almost a year. 1000 points of Chaos Space Marines against 1000 points of Necrons. Great game!
Chaos Marines 1000:
Khorne Lord - chain ax, plasma pistol, mark of Khorne.
10 Bezerkers - 2 plasma pistols, powerfist, chainaxes
10 Marines - mark of tzeench, bolters, 2 plasma guns
10 Marines - mark of tzeench, ccw, power sword, plasma pistol
2 Naked Rhinos
2 Obliterators - mark of tzeench
Necrons 1000:
Overlord - Resurrection orb, gauntlet of fire, and other stuff I don't remember
Crypt tech
20 warriors in 2 squads
5 Deathmarks
2 Ghost Arcs
Doom Scythe
Game had 4 buildings in the center with scattered crates and such as debris around the field. Game was pretty fast paced. Exchanged plenty of shots, until my Bezerkers jumped out of their rhino and launched into the Overlord and his warrior retinue. Chaos lord challenged, was a stalemate for the whole game. Bezerkers finished off the Warriors, but didn't make it happen until the end of turn 5. We didn't make the roll to keep going, so the Relic sat 3 inches from my troop bezerkers at the end of the game. It was a win for the Necrons, who had first blood and line breaker. Great game though!
Tomorrow I will be playing a game of Uncharted with my Shroud Mages against Bone Griffons, and then maybe a game of 40k that is smaller against some new folks that we are introducing to the game. Sorry for not posting any pictures, I didn't manage to snag any.
Weekly Update #5
Happy Halloween y'all!
Hope you've been having an excellent day/night, I know I have. Just wanted to take the time to crank out a post now that the nights festivities are just about done.
First off, went to Treefort this weekend, and got two excellent games of Uncharted Seas in! 850 points of shroud Mages against elves that ended in a bloody draw, even with my flagship being captured! Then a quick 550 point game against Bone Griffons that I won by the skin of my teeth. Blew up a battleship last turn that had 3 prize counters on it. Crazy game!
Great games all around. My buddy got in a game of 40k and learned some Warmachine. I also acquired 6 illuminator frigates and a second pair of heavy cruisers.
In other news, a big trade went down between my friend and I. Trading my Eldar (fully painted) and High Elves (which I'll never get to painting) for a huge Chaos Marine and Daemons lot, as well as an infinity starter set, and the Terrans from the Firestorm Armada: Battle for Valhalla box set. A good trade I think, and one that will keep me busy.
My plan for the chaos is to slowly build them up, including my Champions. I want them all modeled to look the part, with awesome wins and failings preserved on the models. I have my first chaos lord of khorne all ready to roll...
So, I think that's all I have for now. I might be trying some Flames of War soon too - I have another friend looking to get into tabletop gaming and that's the poison he picked. So, as always, take care, and remember to always cry "Havoc!" before you let slip the dogs of war!
Playing Catch Up
Hey All!
It has been quite a while since I last updated the ole website here. I apologize profusely for the lack of upkeep on my part. College happens though. I will be trying to post some sort of weekly update from here on out, but have mercy if it turns into a bi-weekly event every once in a while. So, without further ado, here is a little list of everything that has happened on my end of the world, and then some links and updates about games that are pretty fantastic!
1. I've played something like 3 games of Uncharted Seas over the past 3 weeks, and have enjoyed it profusely. I've played against Orcs twice and Bone Griffons once and my Shroud Mages have maintained a fairly sturdy record against my opponents. We lost one game against the Orcs, fought another to a draw, and blew the Bone Griffons out of the water. Good fun, especially since I have every single Shroud Mages model I have currently painted up. I do have 6 Illuminator Frigate on the way that will add a little bit of painting to the board, but that isn't too bad. Here are some pictures from the various games I have played over the course of the past 3 weeks.
My apologies for the poor image quality on the orc fleet. I was experimenting with my camera, and I didn't retake them. Too much exploding going on.
2. Aside from Uncharted Seas, we have been getting pretty heavily invested into some new games coming down the pike. In fact on Monday, my buddy and I will be playing our first game of Dropzone Commander using the glorious 2 player box they have just released. It should be excellent, and I am really looking forward to trying to knock two games out so I can try both sides of the box set. Also, he has recently purchased the Warmachine two player box set, so that will be in use shortly - and I might be investing in a Circle Orboros army.
3. On to announcements and new releases! There are simply too many to get into much detail, but Sky Pirates for Uncharted Seas are coming out and look absolutely gorgeous! The Sorylian and Relthoza "Patrol Fleet" starter boxes have been shown off, and both are also amazing. My buddy ordered some WarBoards for us when they come out in December, so those are really cool. And then a bunch of Dark Elves came out for Warhammer Fantasy and those are beautiful. Links to everything below. Take care everyone!
Uncharted Seas: SkyPirates
Firestorm Armada: Sorylians
Firestorm Armada: Relthoza
Warhammer: Dark Elves
It has been quite a while since I last updated the ole website here. I apologize profusely for the lack of upkeep on my part. College happens though. I will be trying to post some sort of weekly update from here on out, but have mercy if it turns into a bi-weekly event every once in a while. So, without further ado, here is a little list of everything that has happened on my end of the world, and then some links and updates about games that are pretty fantastic!
1. I've played something like 3 games of Uncharted Seas over the past 3 weeks, and have enjoyed it profusely. I've played against Orcs twice and Bone Griffons once and my Shroud Mages have maintained a fairly sturdy record against my opponents. We lost one game against the Orcs, fought another to a draw, and blew the Bone Griffons out of the water. Good fun, especially since I have every single Shroud Mages model I have currently painted up. I do have 6 Illuminator Frigate on the way that will add a little bit of painting to the board, but that isn't too bad. Here are some pictures from the various games I have played over the course of the past 3 weeks.
My apologies for the poor image quality on the orc fleet. I was experimenting with my camera, and I didn't retake them. Too much exploding going on.
2. Aside from Uncharted Seas, we have been getting pretty heavily invested into some new games coming down the pike. In fact on Monday, my buddy and I will be playing our first game of Dropzone Commander using the glorious 2 player box they have just released. It should be excellent, and I am really looking forward to trying to knock two games out so I can try both sides of the box set. Also, he has recently purchased the Warmachine two player box set, so that will be in use shortly - and I might be investing in a Circle Orboros army.
3. On to announcements and new releases! There are simply too many to get into much detail, but Sky Pirates for Uncharted Seas are coming out and look absolutely gorgeous! The Sorylian and Relthoza "Patrol Fleet" starter boxes have been shown off, and both are also amazing. My buddy ordered some WarBoards for us when they come out in December, so those are really cool. And then a bunch of Dark Elves came out for Warhammer Fantasy and those are beautiful. Links to everything below. Take care everyone!
Uncharted Seas: SkyPirates
Firestorm Armada: Sorylians
Firestorm Armada: Relthoza
Warhammer: Dark Elves
Monday Sneak Peak
Hey All!
First off, an apology. I caught a rather nasty cold and was out much of last week because of it. Not much to report on tabletop wise while I'm ill.
So this week will probably be a pretty long update. Got lots of new stuff in, a review of Armoured Clash to do, and painting updates. Busy times. Hope to hear from you all Wednesday!
Monday Sneak Peak
Hey All!
So, this week I'm going to be pretty skimpy on the Weekly Update, there's a lot happening around campus that makes it difficult to get things done. I can tell you that there will be a review and some love towards another Spartan Games system, and that I'll be showing you some of my painting progress from this past week. So, until then, here are a few pictures about what I will be reviewing! Enjoy...
So, this week I'm going to be pretty skimpy on the Weekly Update, there's a lot happening around campus that makes it difficult to get things done. I can tell you that there will be a review and some love towards another Spartan Games system, and that I'll be showing you some of my painting progress from this past week. So, until then, here are a few pictures about what I will be reviewing! Enjoy...
Weekly Update #4
Hey All!
Hope y'all have been having a good week so far! So, lots to talk about and not very much time I'm afraid, so lets get started:
1) This weekend I had the chance to play two excellent games of Uncharted Seas with the Spartan Vanguard in Georgia. Both were 550 points, where I ran the starter box plus destroyers in one game, and then in the second replaced one of the cruisers with a heavy, and used a big glob of 4 frigates instead of 2 groups of 3.
The first game was against his Iron Dwarves, and was a crushing victory. My Mages put a hard pounding on his fleet and took out everything but a single crippled cruiser, while I was left with my Battleship (undamaged) and a single frigate. In the last turn, just to make one last jab, my frigate whizzed up the table and took a range band one shot on his - at the time - second crippled cruiser, and caused something like 14 hits on it. It was too far away from anything to cause explosion damage, so we just removed it from the table. One of the keep moments in the game was when I disabled his Battleship's steering and he ran into a hard island, knocking 2 hull points off his already wounded ship, bringing it up to 6 lost HP. Good first game for the Shroud Mages!
Second game was against his Elves. This game went by much quicker, as the shop was closing in an hour. Same points values. My Shroud Mages fared much worse against the Elves, but still managed to drag the game back to a draw - although he was 10 points ahead of me thanks to a frigate he managed to prize towards the middle of the game. Probably the most exciting moment in that game was a pair of destroyers stern raking his battleship, only to get torched by his dragon after causing a single hull point of damage. His dragon died valiantly on the last move of the game as it made an attack on my battleship - letting my entire fleet shoot at it as it attacked. It managed to put a point on the battleship, but didn't kill it and win the game for him. I was faced with a similar situation when my heavy cruiser and cruisers lined up full range band one broadsides on his already crippled battleship. I rolled well, but I just couldn't manage to knock that last hull point off and win me the game. An honorable draw after a fun and fast paced battle.
2) I mentioned in the Monday sneak peak that I had some Firestorm Planetfall rumors and news. It is supposed to play similar to Dystopian Wars Armored Clash, and they are pushing with Firestorm to eventually be able to go directly from Firestorm Armada to Planetfall in campaigns. Now this is just rumor and I haven't seen any evidence, but thats what I know.
3) I have an eBay problem. I'll be the first to admit it. I love eBay and think it is awesome. So I have some new stuff coming down the pike for myself in the coming weeks.
Hope y'all have been having a good week so far! So, lots to talk about and not very much time I'm afraid, so lets get started:
1) This weekend I had the chance to play two excellent games of Uncharted Seas with the Spartan Vanguard in Georgia. Both were 550 points, where I ran the starter box plus destroyers in one game, and then in the second replaced one of the cruisers with a heavy, and used a big glob of 4 frigates instead of 2 groups of 3.
The first game was against his Iron Dwarves, and was a crushing victory. My Mages put a hard pounding on his fleet and took out everything but a single crippled cruiser, while I was left with my Battleship (undamaged) and a single frigate. In the last turn, just to make one last jab, my frigate whizzed up the table and took a range band one shot on his - at the time - second crippled cruiser, and caused something like 14 hits on it. It was too far away from anything to cause explosion damage, so we just removed it from the table. One of the keep moments in the game was when I disabled his Battleship's steering and he ran into a hard island, knocking 2 hull points off his already wounded ship, bringing it up to 6 lost HP. Good first game for the Shroud Mages!
Second game was against his Elves. This game went by much quicker, as the shop was closing in an hour. Same points values. My Shroud Mages fared much worse against the Elves, but still managed to drag the game back to a draw - although he was 10 points ahead of me thanks to a frigate he managed to prize towards the middle of the game. Probably the most exciting moment in that game was a pair of destroyers stern raking his battleship, only to get torched by his dragon after causing a single hull point of damage. His dragon died valiantly on the last move of the game as it made an attack on my battleship - letting my entire fleet shoot at it as it attacked. It managed to put a point on the battleship, but didn't kill it and win the game for him. I was faced with a similar situation when my heavy cruiser and cruisers lined up full range band one broadsides on his already crippled battleship. I rolled well, but I just couldn't manage to knock that last hull point off and win me the game. An honorable draw after a fun and fast paced battle.
2) I mentioned in the Monday sneak peak that I had some Firestorm Planetfall rumors and news. It is supposed to play similar to Dystopian Wars Armored Clash, and they are pushing with Firestorm to eventually be able to go directly from Firestorm Armada to Planetfall in campaigns. Now this is just rumor and I haven't seen any evidence, but thats what I know.
3) I have an eBay problem. I'll be the first to admit it. I love eBay and think it is awesome. So I have some new stuff coming down the pike for myself in the coming weeks.
A new fleet for me means demo games and more painting and just a fun time in general. Variety is the key to happiness and I like variety. So I bought some Bone Griffons. The starter set and a blister of Destroyers to be exact.
These beauties to be exact. Love these models and they are going to be a blast to paint. I'm thinking kind of a ghostly Greek feel to them. I'll have to do some research, but I think that would look really nice myself.
4) Painting update is that I haven't had time to paint anything this week unfortunately.
5) Finally I get to break out some Dreadball and some Fantasy again! I have a friend that goes to the same college as I do, and he has literally been chomping at the bit to play Dreadball and he just ordered a lovely Brettonian Army that should be here this evening. So my rats will get to taste fine Brettonian steel... and they get to eat plague magic.
Final thoughts for this week are that I will be inspecting his fantasy army tonight when he gets them in, so I might be posting picks later this week of them, plus we will be playing a starter box game of Uncharted because he just purchased a huge bundle of orcs this weekend at the store. So, wish me luck, and until next time...
Monday sneak peak
Hey All!
Just a brief update on what you can expect from the weekly update on Wednesday.
1. A couple of Uncharted Seas battles!
2. Some info regarding Firestorm: Planetfall
3. A look into some new things coming down the pike for myself
4. Painting updates
5. Dusting off some underused models.
Until then I do happen to have a picture for you:
Just a brief update on what you can expect from the weekly update on Wednesday.
1. A couple of Uncharted Seas battles!
2. Some info regarding Firestorm: Planetfall
3. A look into some new things coming down the pike for myself
4. Painting updates
5. Dusting off some underused models.
Until then I do happen to have a picture for you:
Look at the size of that thing! Its huge!!!
Well, that's really all I want to give you guys for the time being, so until next time, Tarum et clama dimit belli canes!
Weekly Update #3
Hey All! (little late)
So this week has been slightly crazy - I apologize for not getting on here sooner.
This week has been an interesting couple days full of tabletop so far. I have a few new goodies that will be here tomorrow for my Shroud Mages - a pair of Mk I Heavy Cruisers - that are awesome looking sculpts - and a Beacon class platform... it floats and does magic. What more could I possibly desire?
Oh right, the Flagship... and more cruisers, destroyers, flyers, etc etc.... But thats not going to happen anytime soon.
In other news, I found the first tabletop enthusiast in my area. Taught him some Uncharted Seas, were thinking about trying to get a Dreadball club started up with the university. Will keep you updated on how that goes.
Other than that it has been pretty hobby sparse here. New Marines came out, and I imagine we will be seeing a lot more bike heavy lists, as well as tank heavy lists. That's just my two cents.
This weekend we are headed back over to Treefort Games to get some Uncharted Seas in and maybe a game of Firestorm, not sure. Probably make one last purchase - the store does have a Shroud Mages flagship in stock that looks awesome. But here are some pictures from the week:
As you can see, got some nice additions painted up for the fleet: a pair of Darkness Cruisers. Hopefully they will do awesome at the store this weekend, so that I can justify their somewhat crazy points cost. But I am looking forward to using them even if they don't pull their own weight; they are just pretty models.
In other news, I did find a game that I would love to try. It might be my first foray into the deeply unknown niche games of Europe....
A game published by a small company called Wessex Games. It is a Victorian Scifi aerial combat game, involving models created by Brigade Models. It uses 1/1200th scale ships to maneuver about the table and blast each other with their naval guns. It is a similar concept to Spartan Games Dystopian Wars, but it is completely centered around aerial combat, and the models aren't quite as nice as Spartan's, but they are pretty for what they are.
Starter kits are about $50 and come with enough for two aerial flotillas. Rules are based around ship size classes and the use of hex style bases to help with flight. Games are designed to be teachable in 10 minutes and able to finish in under 3 hours, while using large numbers of models per side (half dozen +)
I am tempted to try this game out, seeing as I have a group that would be willing to try something like this out now. Plus I really like some of the models - even if they might seem less than tabletop compared to a game like Dystopian Wars. For a small game that is very niche the models are excellent. The rules are challenging and look like they would provide for some interesting scenarios. Plus $50 for a two player starter box is fairly reasonable. About on par with everything else. Here are some photos for you to judge yourselves:
So this week has been slightly crazy - I apologize for not getting on here sooner.
This week has been an interesting couple days full of tabletop so far. I have a few new goodies that will be here tomorrow for my Shroud Mages - a pair of Mk I Heavy Cruisers - that are awesome looking sculpts - and a Beacon class platform... it floats and does magic. What more could I possibly desire?
Oh right, the Flagship... and more cruisers, destroyers, flyers, etc etc.... But thats not going to happen anytime soon.
In other news, I found the first tabletop enthusiast in my area. Taught him some Uncharted Seas, were thinking about trying to get a Dreadball club started up with the university. Will keep you updated on how that goes.
Other than that it has been pretty hobby sparse here. New Marines came out, and I imagine we will be seeing a lot more bike heavy lists, as well as tank heavy lists. That's just my two cents.
This weekend we are headed back over to Treefort Games to get some Uncharted Seas in and maybe a game of Firestorm, not sure. Probably make one last purchase - the store does have a Shroud Mages flagship in stock that looks awesome. But here are some pictures from the week:
As you can see, got some nice additions painted up for the fleet: a pair of Darkness Cruisers. Hopefully they will do awesome at the store this weekend, so that I can justify their somewhat crazy points cost. But I am looking forward to using them even if they don't pull their own weight; they are just pretty models.
In other news, I did find a game that I would love to try. It might be my first foray into the deeply unknown niche games of Europe....
A game published by a small company called Wessex Games. It is a Victorian Scifi aerial combat game, involving models created by Brigade Models. It uses 1/1200th scale ships to maneuver about the table and blast each other with their naval guns. It is a similar concept to Spartan Games Dystopian Wars, but it is completely centered around aerial combat, and the models aren't quite as nice as Spartan's, but they are pretty for what they are.
Starter kits are about $50 and come with enough for two aerial flotillas. Rules are based around ship size classes and the use of hex style bases to help with flight. Games are designed to be teachable in 10 minutes and able to finish in under 3 hours, while using large numbers of models per side (half dozen +)
I am tempted to try this game out, seeing as I have a group that would be willing to try something like this out now. Plus I really like some of the models - even if they might seem less than tabletop compared to a game like Dystopian Wars. For a small game that is very niche the models are excellent. The rules are challenging and look like they would provide for some interesting scenarios. Plus $50 for a two player starter box is fairly reasonable. About on par with everything else. Here are some photos for you to judge yourselves:
These are all examples taken from the awesome blog http://dampfpanzerwagon.blogspot.com/
I highly recommend it if you'd like to take a peak at some inspiring scratch builds, like most of those pictures I have borrowed from his site just now.
Finally - just for some kicks and drool fests - here is a photo battlereport of Aeronef:
Anyway, enough rambling for tonight. The short story for this whole post is that I painted up some more Shroud Mages, have some more coming in tomorrow, am going to play a few games Sunday so there will be battle reports and pictures galore hopefully. Then theres Aeronef which looks really cool when it is all painted up and nice looking. And then Gentleman Tony with his awesome blog and awesome scratch built models and table. So, thats it for me, until next time Tarum et clama dimit belli canes!
Weekly Update #2
Hey All!
Been a busy week of tabletop thanks to the long weekend and not much homework. Last Sunday I had the pleasure of going and meeting up with a local Spartan Vanguard at Treefort Games.
Before we met up, I taught a friend how to play Firestorm Armada with the RSN and Terran Starter boxes minus Battleships, which resulted in a bloody draw - but with the surrender of the Terrans to my mighty RSN after it came down to a pair of wounded RSN cruisers and a third crippled cruiser against a pair of Terran cruisers and a handful of frigates. Good game overall but he wasn't sold on the space ships.
Then I broke out my resin colored Shroud Mages fleet and played a whooping 15 turn game against some elves where my frigates chased down a battleship and stern raked it for atleast 5 turns, my battleship unloaded broadside after broadside into cruisers that wouldn't die, and then finally Elves rammed wounded Cruisers and took Shroud Mage Cruisers as prizes. In the end, I really enjoyed my first game of Uncharted Seas, and will definitely play again. In fact I liked it so much I bought a Ripper sub, and then on Labor Day took 8 hours to paint my entire collection of Shroud Mages.
Of course my friend wanted to try a game of Uncharted - he used to play a Pirates Game - which he taught me. But now he has his eyes set on some Imperial Humans to paint up and play (although he says IF he decides to play) We tried to whip through a game where he took over the Vanguard's Orc Fleet, but we just didn't have enough time to get through it before closing - although it started out with a trio of Shroud Mage Frigates steaming up to a cruiser and rolling a crit to knock 5 AD off of his Port Broadside....
All in all, Sunday's games were great fun, and the paint splurge that ensured on Monday was excellent. I look forward to expanding my fleet and getting it to around 1500 points, which means the addition of something like 6 smalls, 6 mediums, and a flagship to my fleet, plus various upgrades to the fleet in addition to the models - this would also allow for some tactical flexibility in smaller games, and give me plenty of variety.
Anyway, thats pretty much all I have for this update, sorry for the lack of photos, hope you all enjoyed anyway! Well until next time, Tarum et clama dimit belli canes!
Been a busy week of tabletop thanks to the long weekend and not much homework. Last Sunday I had the pleasure of going and meeting up with a local Spartan Vanguard at Treefort Games.
Before we met up, I taught a friend how to play Firestorm Armada with the RSN and Terran Starter boxes minus Battleships, which resulted in a bloody draw - but with the surrender of the Terrans to my mighty RSN after it came down to a pair of wounded RSN cruisers and a third crippled cruiser against a pair of Terran cruisers and a handful of frigates. Good game overall but he wasn't sold on the space ships.
Then I broke out my resin colored Shroud Mages fleet and played a whooping 15 turn game against some elves where my frigates chased down a battleship and stern raked it for atleast 5 turns, my battleship unloaded broadside after broadside into cruisers that wouldn't die, and then finally Elves rammed wounded Cruisers and took Shroud Mage Cruisers as prizes. In the end, I really enjoyed my first game of Uncharted Seas, and will definitely play again. In fact I liked it so much I bought a Ripper sub, and then on Labor Day took 8 hours to paint my entire collection of Shroud Mages.
Of course my friend wanted to try a game of Uncharted - he used to play a Pirates Game - which he taught me. But now he has his eyes set on some Imperial Humans to paint up and play (although he says IF he decides to play) We tried to whip through a game where he took over the Vanguard's Orc Fleet, but we just didn't have enough time to get through it before closing - although it started out with a trio of Shroud Mage Frigates steaming up to a cruiser and rolling a crit to knock 5 AD off of his Port Broadside....
All in all, Sunday's games were great fun, and the paint splurge that ensured on Monday was excellent. I look forward to expanding my fleet and getting it to around 1500 points, which means the addition of something like 6 smalls, 6 mediums, and a flagship to my fleet, plus various upgrades to the fleet in addition to the models - this would also allow for some tactical flexibility in smaller games, and give me plenty of variety.
Anyway, thats pretty much all I have for this update, sorry for the lack of photos, hope you all enjoyed anyway! Well until next time, Tarum et clama dimit belli canes!
Uncharted Progress
Hey All!
So, with this lovely Monday holiday, I thought that I might try and get some hardcore hobbying done after my adventure to Treefort Games.
First off, Treefort games was awesome. Met up with a Spartan Vanguard after introducing a friend to tabletop gaming with a quick game of Firestorm Armada. Thomas - the Vanguard - taught me how to play Uncharted Seas with my Shroud Mages against his Elves (which I lost after 15 turns of madness - we just had to keep going), and then begin a game of Uncharted Seas against my friend who had watched the previous game.
After all of that playing, I thought that my fleet really could use some awesome paint on it, so I decided to start painting today... 7 Hours and the rest of Season 1 of Boardwalk Empire later, I have finished painting my fledgling Shroud Mages fleet.

So, in total I have a Battleship, 3 cruisers, 6 frigates, 3 destroyers, and a Ripper Submarine completed for my fleet of Shroud Mages. Next up hopefully will be some Darkness Cruisers, Heavy cruisers, or a Beacon platform :D until then, Tarum et clama dimit belli canes!
Weekly Update #1
Hey All!
As promised, here is the very first weekly update I have for you! I spent this morning enjoying a little quiet in my dorm and took advantage of that to get some hobby work done for this weekends festivities at Treefort Games in Fayetteville, GA.
Here are some shots of what I've completed so far:
I purchased some Aegis R&Ds a while back, but never really got around to getting them ready with all of the college madness starting. So here they are, all built and washed, ready for some priming and painting! These are definitely high on the priority list because of this weekend, but not as high as my Cerberus...
I have wanted to build this thing since I ordered it in July! I love the look almost as much as I like my RSN cruisers in general. They are the powerhouses of my fleet, and I can't wait for this guy to get some paint on him and bring some pain to my opponents. Hopefully anyway...
And then there is this lovely bunch. I know that there has been a new wave of Shroud Mages released and that I have the Mk I box set for them, but I really like their look a lot. I honestly cannot wait to try this system out and get stuck in with my Mages. They were great to put together, and really my only complaint about any of the models - including the Destroyer blister I bought to add some punch to the frigates - are the frigate models and their lack of scale on the turrets. They're huge for those little ships! Aside from that though, everything is awesome looking on them. I have to say that my favorite models of the bunch that I have so far are probably the destroyers. I like their slightly higher prow rams and just their whole profile, although the Mk I battleship is awesome looking too. So are the cruisers... Heck everything is good looking!
Cannot wait to go to Treefort this Sunday and get some games in for the first time in probably a month or so. Bringing a friend along to try and introduce him to the world of Tabletop wargaming, so hopefully that goes well. Also, I am thinking about ways to get a Dreadball group going within my group of friends here, seeing as Season 3 is about to come out and that game is always awesome looking. Anywho, until next time, Tarum et clama dimit belli canes!
As promised, here is the very first weekly update I have for you! I spent this morning enjoying a little quiet in my dorm and took advantage of that to get some hobby work done for this weekends festivities at Treefort Games in Fayetteville, GA.
Here are some shots of what I've completed so far:
I purchased some Aegis R&Ds a while back, but never really got around to getting them ready with all of the college madness starting. So here they are, all built and washed, ready for some priming and painting! These are definitely high on the priority list because of this weekend, but not as high as my Cerberus...
I have wanted to build this thing since I ordered it in July! I love the look almost as much as I like my RSN cruisers in general. They are the powerhouses of my fleet, and I can't wait for this guy to get some paint on him and bring some pain to my opponents. Hopefully anyway...
And then there is this lovely bunch. I know that there has been a new wave of Shroud Mages released and that I have the Mk I box set for them, but I really like their look a lot. I honestly cannot wait to try this system out and get stuck in with my Mages. They were great to put together, and really my only complaint about any of the models - including the Destroyer blister I bought to add some punch to the frigates - are the frigate models and their lack of scale on the turrets. They're huge for those little ships! Aside from that though, everything is awesome looking on them. I have to say that my favorite models of the bunch that I have so far are probably the destroyers. I like their slightly higher prow rams and just their whole profile, although the Mk I battleship is awesome looking too. So are the cruisers... Heck everything is good looking!
Cannot wait to go to Treefort this Sunday and get some games in for the first time in probably a month or so. Bringing a friend along to try and introduce him to the world of Tabletop wargaming, so hopefully that goes well. Also, I am thinking about ways to get a Dreadball group going within my group of friends here, seeing as Season 3 is about to come out and that game is always awesome looking. Anywho, until next time, Tarum et clama dimit belli canes!
Board Game,
firestorm armada,
Inferno Fleet,
Shroud Mages,
spartan games,
Strike Fleet Templar,
Terran Alliance,
Uncharted Seas,
Weekly Update
Intro to Weekly Updates
Hey All!
So, in an effort to keep this blog alive and kicking, and still have fresh material, I am going to try and make a commitment to post something once a week. I have just started college at Auburn University, so it will probably take some adjusting, but rest assured faithful readers, that I will have something up every week - probably on Wednesdays from now on.
So, to start out this tradition, here is a brief update on everything that has been going on hobby wise for myself recently.
I ventured over to Fayetteville, Georgia, this past Sunday to get some insight into my "local" hobby store: Treefort Games. I have never been to a finer establishment, and would absolutely recommend it to anyone that is in the Atlanta area and has their models on them. They are only open weekends during the fall and winter - college students are their main source of income - but they have a little bit of everything: Spartan Games, Games-Workshop, MTG, Warlord Games, Privateer Press, and more. Plus more board games than you could shake a stick at. They have something like 15 tables to play on, personal booths for RPG groups, painting tables, hundreds of terrain pieces. It is an excellent place to call your wargaming home, and I am more than willing to drive the hour and a half to get their from the prettiest village on the plains.
While I was there, I ran into not one but three Spartan Vanguards, and was swept up in a flurry of excitement. So much so that I ended up agreeing to go back this coming Sunday and enjoy a few games of Firestorm Armada with the local player base. And then this happened:
So I may have been so swept up into the flurry of Spartan Games rah-rah-rah that I purchased the old Shroud Mages starter box and a blister of Destroyers for them as well. It was marked down a little, so it rounded up to about $40, so I was extremely happy. So now I will have my mighty Shroud Mages in addition to the Terrans and RSN for Firestorm. It is a good day for naval battle systems!
Also, on some rumors and announced awesomes from Spartan Games - Firestorm Armada and Planetfall are getting new rulebooks and new models for everyone! We're talking a nice new rulebook, faction sourcebooks for the Zenian League and Kurak Alliance, and redone models for all the peoples!
On top of that, Firestorm Planetfall will also be getting a rulebook, alliance books, and models for all 6 core factions! Thats enough to make me want to save some cash money back even!
And on the rumor mill, it is said from several gentlemen that Uncharted Seas is also due for a new rulebook and models to come out as well, which can only be good news now that my Dark Ironclads will be rolling into service this Wednesday probably. Good times to be a Spartan Games supporter, as they prepare to launch themselves into a new whirlwind of releases!
On other games fronts, Space Marines are coming out next month, so we all get to see the ugly blue ducklings everywhere for the rest of the edition.
Other news from the fronts is pretty sparse. New stuff everywhere for all games. An awesome 2-player starter box for Dropzone Commander has been announced, but with Spartan Games Firestorm Planetfall inbound, it might be hard to break loyalty. I'll have to compare prices for the games when the FS:P stuff comes out.
Warlord Games has dropped some new Hail Caesar kits and some new Bolt Action stuff, and that's pretty much everything I have for you today guys. I will definitely get some pictures up of my Cerberus Heavy Cruiser and Terran R&D cruisers when I get them painted up - hopefully - on Wednesday. And the Shroud Mages will definitely be getting put together on Wednesday as well. Lots to do on Wednesday to get ready for Sunday! And on top of everything I have classes (except Wednesdays) and a football game on Saturday! So, until then, Tarum et clama dimit belli canes!
So, in an effort to keep this blog alive and kicking, and still have fresh material, I am going to try and make a commitment to post something once a week. I have just started college at Auburn University, so it will probably take some adjusting, but rest assured faithful readers, that I will have something up every week - probably on Wednesdays from now on.
So, to start out this tradition, here is a brief update on everything that has been going on hobby wise for myself recently.
I ventured over to Fayetteville, Georgia, this past Sunday to get some insight into my "local" hobby store: Treefort Games. I have never been to a finer establishment, and would absolutely recommend it to anyone that is in the Atlanta area and has their models on them. They are only open weekends during the fall and winter - college students are their main source of income - but they have a little bit of everything: Spartan Games, Games-Workshop, MTG, Warlord Games, Privateer Press, and more. Plus more board games than you could shake a stick at. They have something like 15 tables to play on, personal booths for RPG groups, painting tables, hundreds of terrain pieces. It is an excellent place to call your wargaming home, and I am more than willing to drive the hour and a half to get their from the prettiest village on the plains.
While I was there, I ran into not one but three Spartan Vanguards, and was swept up in a flurry of excitement. So much so that I ended up agreeing to go back this coming Sunday and enjoy a few games of Firestorm Armada with the local player base. And then this happened:
So I may have been so swept up into the flurry of Spartan Games rah-rah-rah that I purchased the old Shroud Mages starter box and a blister of Destroyers for them as well. It was marked down a little, so it rounded up to about $40, so I was extremely happy. So now I will have my mighty Shroud Mages in addition to the Terrans and RSN for Firestorm. It is a good day for naval battle systems!
Also, on some rumors and announced awesomes from Spartan Games - Firestorm Armada and Planetfall are getting new rulebooks and new models for everyone! We're talking a nice new rulebook, faction sourcebooks for the Zenian League and Kurak Alliance, and redone models for all the peoples!
On top of that, Firestorm Planetfall will also be getting a rulebook, alliance books, and models for all 6 core factions! Thats enough to make me want to save some cash money back even!
And on the rumor mill, it is said from several gentlemen that Uncharted Seas is also due for a new rulebook and models to come out as well, which can only be good news now that my Dark Ironclads will be rolling into service this Wednesday probably. Good times to be a Spartan Games supporter, as they prepare to launch themselves into a new whirlwind of releases!
On other games fronts, Space Marines are coming out next month, so we all get to see the ugly blue ducklings everywhere for the rest of the edition.
Other news from the fronts is pretty sparse. New stuff everywhere for all games. An awesome 2-player starter box for Dropzone Commander has been announced, but with Spartan Games Firestorm Planetfall inbound, it might be hard to break loyalty. I'll have to compare prices for the games when the FS:P stuff comes out.
Warlord Games has dropped some new Hail Caesar kits and some new Bolt Action stuff, and that's pretty much everything I have for you today guys. I will definitely get some pictures up of my Cerberus Heavy Cruiser and Terran R&D cruisers when I get them painted up - hopefully - on Wednesday. And the Shroud Mages will definitely be getting put together on Wednesday as well. Lots to do on Wednesday to get ready for Sunday! And on top of everything I have classes (except Wednesdays) and a football game on Saturday! So, until then, Tarum et clama dimit belli canes!
Board Game,
firestorm armada,
spartan games,
Tabletop Wargame,
Uncharted Seas,
Updates and a Battle Report
Hey All!
Sorry for the long drought between posts, but I assure you I am still tabletop gaming. In fact, over the past two days, I have gotten in a rather large game of Firestorm Armada and a game of Power Grid.
First things first, I have to apologize for no pictures. Both games happened to be pick up games that we not arranged prior, so I didn't take any pictures. If you are allergic to long blocks of text, I will give a short and sweet replay, with a narrative battle report following.
RSN Forces (Inferno Fleet):
commanded by myself (sinscaptain)
Spectre Battleship (Battlecruiser really)
- x4 Interceptors flying CAP
x3 Spook Cruisers
x2 Phoenix Destroyers
x2 Phoenix Destroyers
x3 Bulwark Frigates
x3 Bulwark Frigates
Terran Alliance (Strike Fleet Templar)
commanded by my friend The CEO
Razorthorn Battleship
Ares MkII Carrier
- x6 Bombers
- x6 Assaulters
x3 Sentinel Cruisers
x4 Pilgrim Frigates
x2 Pilgrim Frigates
Battlefield was open except for 4 gun platforms ringing 3 torpedo satellites. We made a simple rule where if you got within 4" of a satellite you controlled it. This was to level the playing field a little bit because of any points difference. We hadn't calculated points wanting to just throw down and get playing, so we used these platforms to offer an advantage. They proved helpful, but not obnoxiously so.
Deployment - The RSN left to right: Spooks, Spectre, Destroyers, Frigates, Destroyers, Frigates.
The Terrans right to left: Frigates, Cruisers, Frigates, Battleship, Carrier.
The game went surprisingly smooth at first. The Spooks managed to ping some damage on the Carrier, and then the frigates all sped forward to try and get some of the satellites. My Destroyers opened up on frigates and whipped them off the map. Then his battleship moved up and scored a few points on my Spooks, but was cautious because of how badly they had hurt him in the past. Then I moved up more destroyers and pegged him for a few points, and started to really hurt his Carrier. I threw my battleship at it, and for the rest of the game I shot as much as I could spare at the carrier with one hull point on it. I couldn't manage to kill it all game. I focused so much on it that he got off a full salvo from his broadsides on his own cruisers against my frigates - crushing a squadron - and then AGAIN against my destroyers. The highlight of the game was probably right about here, where a rolling broadside completely blew up a destroyer. That was bad enough, but the explosion from her sister ship gutted the other destroyer with double crits - both of them decompressions in a fit of bad luck. The game pretty much went down hill from there. I ended up taking him down to 85-90% of his original fleet strength while he crushed most of my fleet, save the battleship once again, and a single destroyer.
Sorry for the long drought between posts, but I assure you I am still tabletop gaming. In fact, over the past two days, I have gotten in a rather large game of Firestorm Armada and a game of Power Grid.
First things first, I have to apologize for no pictures. Both games happened to be pick up games that we not arranged prior, so I didn't take any pictures. If you are allergic to long blocks of text, I will give a short and sweet replay, with a narrative battle report following.
RSN Forces (Inferno Fleet):
commanded by myself (sinscaptain)
Spectre Battleship (Battlecruiser really)
- x4 Interceptors flying CAP
x3 Spook Cruisers
x2 Phoenix Destroyers
x2 Phoenix Destroyers
x3 Bulwark Frigates
x3 Bulwark Frigates
Terran Alliance (Strike Fleet Templar)
commanded by my friend The CEO
Razorthorn Battleship
Ares MkII Carrier
- x6 Bombers
- x6 Assaulters
x3 Sentinel Cruisers
x4 Pilgrim Frigates
x2 Pilgrim Frigates
Battlefield was open except for 4 gun platforms ringing 3 torpedo satellites. We made a simple rule where if you got within 4" of a satellite you controlled it. This was to level the playing field a little bit because of any points difference. We hadn't calculated points wanting to just throw down and get playing, so we used these platforms to offer an advantage. They proved helpful, but not obnoxiously so.
Deployment - The RSN left to right: Spooks, Spectre, Destroyers, Frigates, Destroyers, Frigates.
The Terrans right to left: Frigates, Cruisers, Frigates, Battleship, Carrier.
The game went surprisingly smooth at first. The Spooks managed to ping some damage on the Carrier, and then the frigates all sped forward to try and get some of the satellites. My Destroyers opened up on frigates and whipped them off the map. Then his battleship moved up and scored a few points on my Spooks, but was cautious because of how badly they had hurt him in the past. Then I moved up more destroyers and pegged him for a few points, and started to really hurt his Carrier. I threw my battleship at it, and for the rest of the game I shot as much as I could spare at the carrier with one hull point on it. I couldn't manage to kill it all game. I focused so much on it that he got off a full salvo from his broadsides on his own cruisers against my frigates - crushing a squadron - and then AGAIN against my destroyers. The highlight of the game was probably right about here, where a rolling broadside completely blew up a destroyer. That was bad enough, but the explosion from her sister ship gutted the other destroyer with double crits - both of them decompressions in a fit of bad luck. The game pretty much went down hill from there. I ended up taking him down to 85-90% of his original fleet strength while he crushed most of my fleet, save the battleship once again, and a single destroyer.
Releases! Releases everywhere!
Hey All!
A lot going on today, so I will get started quickly for you, no meandering today!
Spartan Games is awesome in that they show you exactly what is going to be released 3 months ahead of time so that you can presumably pick out what you want and prepare to add it to your fleets.
September will have major releases for Dystopian Legions, Dystopian Wars, and Firestorm Armada. I don't know much about Dystopian Legions besides the fact that it is another infantry based 28mm game (bah!) so I am not that excited. I know a lot of people that will be, but its not for me.
Dystopian Legions is getting the Federated States Sergeant and Specialist, as is the Empire of the Blazing Sun.
A lot going on today, so I will get started quickly for you, no meandering today!
Spartan Games is awesome in that they show you exactly what is going to be released 3 months ahead of time so that you can presumably pick out what you want and prepare to add it to your fleets.
September will have major releases for Dystopian Legions, Dystopian Wars, and Firestorm Armada. I don't know much about Dystopian Legions besides the fact that it is another infantry based 28mm game (bah!) so I am not that excited. I know a lot of people that will be, but its not for me.
Dystopian Legions is getting the Federated States Sergeant and Specialist, as is the Empire of the Blazing Sun.
Pretty cool looking models, but still not enough to make me interested.
On the flip side, Dystopian Wars is getting the last round of First Wave upgrade boxes: a Covenant of Antarctica Aerial Support Group, a Republique of France Attack Flotilla, and a Russian Coalition Strike Flotilla. All three of theses are introducing new models into the line for each core nation. Plus they look freaking beautiful.
Covenant Aerial Support Group |
French Attack Flotilla |
Russian Strike Flotilla |
I love the French and Covenant models. The RC is awesome, but so many people play them that it would be a disservice to the other awesome models to take any great interest in them.
Finally, we have the Kedorian Coalition, with some of the biggest models ever made for Firestorm Armada. I will be getting some of these to supplement my RSN fleet. They're too awesome not to get.
Kedorian Alliance Fleet |
So there you have it folks, all of the Spartan Games September releases! But there is something else....
New Lizardmen....
Now, I normally try and avoid Games-Workshop Products, but I really do have a soft spot for Fantasy. It is one of the greatest infantry based tabletops in my opinion, and I try to get my Skaven out on the table as often as I can, unless somebody is up for Firestorm Armada or something along those lines. These new lizards are badass. There are resculpted Terradon Riders, which can also make Ripperdactyls, a box with the new Skink Oracle, a box that will make either a Carnosaur with a Sauras Old Blood, or a Troglodon. Finally, there is the Bastillidon, which can come as a ranged weapon (solar laser beams) or have an Ark that spawns swarms of snakes on its back. Either way, I have a friend that collects Lizards, so I will have one hell of a time fighting against these new dinos with my Skaven.
So that should be everything for now. I have to go dust off my Plague monks and roll out another 40 skaven slaves so I can fight off hordes of Lizards, and gather some cash for the inevitable Kedorian purchases, as well as some more Terran reinforcements. And then there is the matter of Dystopian Wars..... Until then, Tarum et clama dimit belli canes!
Lizardmen Pre-Order
Spartan Games September Releases
Lizardmen Pre-Order
Spartan Games September Releases
Dystopian Wars,
firestorm armada,
spartan games,
Tabletop Wargame,
Terran Alliance
Vendetta Operation - fleet update
++Azazel, do you copy?++
Commodore Chase Philon sent the copy code back to his commander - Admrial Hewie. "Roger, sir. Orders received. I will take Destroyer Squadron Charlie and escorting Frigates on a patrol of Sector 8-Echo-Niner. Should we run into any resistance we are to attempt to take it out. If it proves too much, we are to pull out at max speed and return to Beacon 7-113 and relay our situation to you." He paused for a moment, and let a vicious grin cross his face before continuing. "Operation Pirate Bay is a go sir?"
++Aye, good hunting. Dante out++
Philon ran his hands through his hair, then turned to face his bridge crew. "Alright lads, you heard the Boss. Helm, plot a course and take us out."
Azazel glistened in the light of the red dwarf star that was almost 3 light hours away. She led the hunting pack out towards the shunt limit of the rest of Inferno Fleet. It was a beautiful sight, watching a flotilla of hunters depart. Something primal shifted deep down in Hewie as he watched them take their final approach vectors. He knew that they would find something, and he was trusting the commodore to take care of those ships. They were deep in enemy territory now, and they wouldn't be able to fix anything major until they found another safe haven in 2 or 3 weeks... Hewie had faith in him though, and he knew that Philon would stay true to his orders.
Hewie turned to face the rest of the fleet. It looked much smaller now, but the remaining cruisers, frigates, and his own battleship could take care of anything short of a full task force. Hewie smiled as he prepped the next set of raiding orders. He wished he could bring the full might of Dante down on some small backwater Terran world, but that would have to wait until the other raids were successful. Patience is a virtue, he thought cooly to himself as he imagined his full broadsides slashing through planetary defenses. Soon.......
Commodore Chase Philon sent the copy code back to his commander - Admrial Hewie. "Roger, sir. Orders received. I will take Destroyer Squadron Charlie and escorting Frigates on a patrol of Sector 8-Echo-Niner. Should we run into any resistance we are to attempt to take it out. If it proves too much, we are to pull out at max speed and return to Beacon 7-113 and relay our situation to you." He paused for a moment, and let a vicious grin cross his face before continuing. "Operation Pirate Bay is a go sir?"
++Aye, good hunting. Dante out++
Philon ran his hands through his hair, then turned to face his bridge crew. "Alright lads, you heard the Boss. Helm, plot a course and take us out."
Azazel glistened in the light of the red dwarf star that was almost 3 light hours away. She led the hunting pack out towards the shunt limit of the rest of Inferno Fleet. It was a beautiful sight, watching a flotilla of hunters depart. Something primal shifted deep down in Hewie as he watched them take their final approach vectors. He knew that they would find something, and he was trusting the commodore to take care of those ships. They were deep in enemy territory now, and they wouldn't be able to fix anything major until they found another safe haven in 2 or 3 weeks... Hewie had faith in him though, and he knew that Philon would stay true to his orders.
Hewie turned to face the rest of the fleet. It looked much smaller now, but the remaining cruisers, frigates, and his own battleship could take care of anything short of a full task force. Hewie smiled as he prepped the next set of raiding orders. He wished he could bring the full might of Dante down on some small backwater Terran world, but that would have to wait until the other raids were successful. Patience is a virtue, he thought cooly to himself as he imagined his full broadsides slashing through planetary defenses. Soon.......
The Dystopian Wars Question
Hey All!
So, as you all know, I have been kicking around the idea of starting some Dystopian Wars. Not right now mind you, but down the line when I have some more time and money, it is certainly on the list to play. However, I want to pick the right fleets to start out with... I want to do something similar to my Firestorm Armada plan - collect two fleets so that I can demo the game to people and have some variety to my playing.
Which leads me to my question... what fleets? I've narrowed it down to one for certain, but I am not sure about the other.
I am going to collect Republique of France. They have gorgeous models, an awesome play style with the mid range effectiveness, some of the best air units, FLYING BATTLESHIPS, and other interesting tidbits like that. Plus I love the look of all of their models.
I mean come on.... thats fantastic looking (and also happens to be the starter box)
What should my other fleet be then? Well, my thoughts were the following:
Prussians - I love their land and air models, and the no-nonsense approach to their navy models is nice in its own way. I love that they use Tesla weapons, and that they are renowned for boarding assaults. However, it is those same Naval vessels that make me think I might get bored with them. I don't want to get bored painting the ships. I love their land and air models - they are some of the coolest in the game - but I want to start on the naval side of things.
Covenant of Antarctica - Once again, their models just really get me. I love the walker models on land (I don't care for EotBS naval stuff, which is why they wont be here on this list even though they have walkers too) and they have some interesting Air choices. Their naval stuff is pretty cool, with the exception of the frigate, but I would get over that.
Chinese Federation - I know that they are only a naval faction at the moment... But they have awesome models. I really want to get into the Land and Air portions of the game, and I wont be able to do that with the Chinese, but I still put them in because I could always start a third fleet for land based operations. For instance - Chinese and French for the naval battles, then French and Prussians for land and air, eventually adding in naval units for the Prussians.... which would probably make more sense if I just added Chinese later, after two main fleets...
Free Australians - Same reason as the Chinese - they have beautiful models, but they are only naval at the moment and that would result in serious problems when I want to add land and air to the game. Even though I really like their models....
So there you have it. I am leaning towards either Prussians, even though I might get bored with the Naval vessels, or Chinese, just because their models are so damn cool. I don't know though... Any help would be much appreciated!
In the meantime, I have a game of Firestorm Armada coming down the pike in the next couple days I think, so that should be awesome! Look forward to seeing that in the near future... Until then, Tarum et clama dimit belli canes!
So, as you all know, I have been kicking around the idea of starting some Dystopian Wars. Not right now mind you, but down the line when I have some more time and money, it is certainly on the list to play. However, I want to pick the right fleets to start out with... I want to do something similar to my Firestorm Armada plan - collect two fleets so that I can demo the game to people and have some variety to my playing.
Which leads me to my question... what fleets? I've narrowed it down to one for certain, but I am not sure about the other.
I am going to collect Republique of France. They have gorgeous models, an awesome play style with the mid range effectiveness, some of the best air units, FLYING BATTLESHIPS, and other interesting tidbits like that. Plus I love the look of all of their models.
I mean come on.... thats fantastic looking (and also happens to be the starter box)
What should my other fleet be then? Well, my thoughts were the following:
Prussians - I love their land and air models, and the no-nonsense approach to their navy models is nice in its own way. I love that they use Tesla weapons, and that they are renowned for boarding assaults. However, it is those same Naval vessels that make me think I might get bored with them. I don't want to get bored painting the ships. I love their land and air models - they are some of the coolest in the game - but I want to start on the naval side of things.
Covenant of Antarctica - Once again, their models just really get me. I love the walker models on land (I don't care for EotBS naval stuff, which is why they wont be here on this list even though they have walkers too) and they have some interesting Air choices. Their naval stuff is pretty cool, with the exception of the frigate, but I would get over that.
Chinese Federation - I know that they are only a naval faction at the moment... But they have awesome models. I really want to get into the Land and Air portions of the game, and I wont be able to do that with the Chinese, but I still put them in because I could always start a third fleet for land based operations. For instance - Chinese and French for the naval battles, then French and Prussians for land and air, eventually adding in naval units for the Prussians.... which would probably make more sense if I just added Chinese later, after two main fleets...
Free Australians - Same reason as the Chinese - they have beautiful models, but they are only naval at the moment and that would result in serious problems when I want to add land and air to the game. Even though I really like their models....
So there you have it. I am leaning towards either Prussians, even though I might get bored with the Naval vessels, or Chinese, just because their models are so damn cool. I don't know though... Any help would be much appreciated!
In the meantime, I have a game of Firestorm Armada coming down the pike in the next couple days I think, so that should be awesome! Look forward to seeing that in the near future... Until then, Tarum et clama dimit belli canes!
Vacation Power Grid
Hey All!
So, as it was pouring down rain in Arizona last night, we sat cozy in our camper, plotting electrical monopolies against each other. Power Grid is fantastic.
The rules were simple once we got a turn or two into it, and it was just good fun afterwards. Lots of forward thinking required to win that game. At one point my friend was only firing up 2 of his power plants to save resources, while I was buying up the resources - that everyone needed - in bulk to stop them firing up their power plants, and auctions were going strong for the best power plants.
2 little warnings. 1) be prepared to do a lot of math. It's just adding mostly, but when people are buying 9 coal at 3 different prices, 5 oil at 2 prices, and 7 uranium at 6 prices, it gets slightly overwhelming XD 2) the 3rd step card can get drawn at anytime, which is kinda a bummer sometimes - just a heads up.
A great game overall, and differently my favorite tabletop board game right now!
Uncharted Seas
Hey All!
So, I figured that the next best game to talk to you all about would be Spartan Games Uncharted Seas. This was their very first game released in 2008. A game of fantasy naval combat, much like the old Games-Workshop product Man-O-War. It is a game that introduced the Spartan Games rules that can be found in all of their main products: exploding dice, range bands, and MARs. However, while this game is just as good as the other two naval based games that Spartan Games created - Firestorm Armada and Dystopian Wars - it is in the same genre as those two games, which divides the target audience up greatly. This has resulted in the recent move of Uncharted Seas to direct order only. Stores will no longer be carrying Uncharted Seas products in stock.
However, the silver lining is that the company is probably in the process of creating a new rulebook, as they have stated that "with the release of spartan scenics, we have also begun beta testing Uncharted Seas"..... But enough talk! You want to see models!
The great thing about Uncharted Seas is that it is getting much cheaper to get into. He starter kits are much cheaper then their other games, and the rules are completely free online. $50 for the ,out expensive starter fleets on eBay, $25-$30 for cheaper boxes, or a "combat pack" with 2 fleets for between $60-80. All in all pretty reasonable if you ask me. So, heave too you salty dogs, and hoist the colors! It's battles on the high seas with another great game from Spartan Games!!
So, I figured that the next best game to talk to you all about would be Spartan Games Uncharted Seas. This was their very first game released in 2008. A game of fantasy naval combat, much like the old Games-Workshop product Man-O-War. It is a game that introduced the Spartan Games rules that can be found in all of their main products: exploding dice, range bands, and MARs. However, while this game is just as good as the other two naval based games that Spartan Games created - Firestorm Armada and Dystopian Wars - it is in the same genre as those two games, which divides the target audience up greatly. This has resulted in the recent move of Uncharted Seas to direct order only. Stores will no longer be carrying Uncharted Seas products in stock.
However, the silver lining is that the company is probably in the process of creating a new rulebook, as they have stated that "with the release of spartan scenics, we have also begun beta testing Uncharted Seas"..... But enough talk! You want to see models!
The great thing about Uncharted Seas is that it is getting much cheaper to get into. He starter kits are much cheaper then their other games, and the rules are completely free online. $50 for the ,out expensive starter fleets on eBay, $25-$30 for cheaper boxes, or a "combat pack" with 2 fleets for between $60-80. All in all pretty reasonable if you ask me. So, heave too you salty dogs, and hoist the colors! It's battles on the high seas with another great game from Spartan Games!!
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