
Dust out the Cobb webs and air the dirty laundry

Hello again!

Long time no see!

Sorry that it has been so long folks.  Just been busy with life and school.  But I have managed to get some gaming in!  Been mostly Uncharted Seas, with some other games thrown in for flavor.  A game or two of X-Wing, a game of 40k, and some other less tabletop-ish stuff; Power Grid.

However, that really isn't what I wanted to talk about today.  I have been enjoying games, but I am also disgusted with one in particular....

Warhammer 40,000

I am so done with that game.  I am done with everything about it.  I am done with Games-Workshop.  I am irritated by all of their floundering about and ruining the rules.  Don't get me wrong, the models are fantastic, the IP is truly one of the best, and it is a fantastic idea.  But there are several glaring things that have made this game an example of what game companies SHOULD NOT do.

1.  The price hikes.  All of them.  From bring the price of single model clam shell packs from $8 to around $20 over the course of 8 years to the increase of the core rule book from $50 (which was expensive then) to $85 is just ludicrous.  Plus the raising of codex prices from $22 to $50?!  Excuse me?  It is price gouging at its finest.  Now they have other ways to get you too now:  Allies, escalation, strongpoint, flyers, Forge World, you name it.

2.  Allies, Escalation, Strongpoint Assault, Flyer, and Forgeworld Escalation.  Also normal 40k legal formations.  What the hell.  Seriously, when did Apocalypse become mainstream 40k?  There was a reason we only play Apoc once or twice a year if that.  It's RIDICULOUS.  It lets you break the game.

40k is broken and stomped on now.  There is nothing left of the golden days of 40k.  People say that this is a golden age of 40k now, but I would compare it more to the Dark Ages.  Or a Cold War of sorts.  Everyone is vying for position to have the most powerful unit combinations.  Trying to out broadside and out Riptide their opponents.  Find a way to squeeze more than 2 Helldrakes into a list.  Try and get an orbital bombardment into a game.  Buying an entire Tau army to add into their allies with their Eldar psychers on a fortress of redemption.  Why does any of that make sense in the Narrative?  Why does that make sense?  Why do people insist on spending more money to buy superheavy tanks and titans?


Greed.  Greed from Games-Workshop, but more importantly, greed from the player base.  The players want to win more than they want to play the game.  There are no decent 40k players any more, or if there are, they are few and far between.  40k is a corrupt game, a snake that is devouring itself.  40k has abandoned its original purposes of being somewhat humorous and silly and just a GAME with a good story to an ultra competitive and ridiculous arms race to see who can buy the biggest toy to win.

I can't stand it.

That is why I, personally, don't purchase any GW any more.  I don't enjoy it.  The last two things I am going to buy from them anytime in the near future are the 9th edition Fantasy rulebook, and the new Skaven army book.  If I ever decide to play another fantasy army, I will use other companies models and just purchase the army book.  I am over this company and its bastardization of great IP.

Find new games!

Uncharted Seas, Firestorm Armada, Dystopian Wars, Dystopian Legions, Aeronef, Dark Potential, Deep Wars, Dropzone Commander, Heavy Gear Blitz, Heavy Gear Arena, Helldorado, Infinity, Kings of War, Deadzone, MERCS, Black Powder, Bolt Action, Warmahordes, Urban War, Wild West Exodus, Wreck Age, or one of the hundreds of small games that can use all of the support and help they can get, that you can use whatever models you want.  Or try something new, like a mesh between wargame and card game:  X-Wing, Age of Sail, Wings of War, or many others.


Variety is the spice of life and all.

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