
Weekly Update #4

Hey All!

Hope y'all have been having a good week so far!  So, lots to talk about and not very much time I'm afraid, so lets get started:

1)  This weekend I had the chance to play two excellent games of Uncharted Seas with the Spartan Vanguard in Georgia.  Both were 550 points, where I ran the starter box plus destroyers in one game, and then in the second replaced one of the cruisers with a heavy, and used a big glob of 4 frigates instead of 2 groups of 3.

The first game was against his Iron Dwarves, and was a crushing victory.  My Mages put a hard pounding on his fleet and took out everything but a single crippled cruiser, while I was left with my Battleship (undamaged) and a single frigate.  In the last turn, just to make one last jab, my frigate whizzed up the table and took a range band one shot on his - at the time - second crippled cruiser, and caused something like 14 hits on it.  It was too far away from anything to cause explosion damage, so we just removed it from the table.  One of the keep moments in the game was when I disabled his Battleship's steering and he ran into a hard island, knocking 2 hull points off his already wounded ship, bringing it up to 6 lost HP.  Good first game for the Shroud Mages!

Second game was against his Elves.  This game went by much quicker, as the shop was closing in an hour.  Same points values.  My Shroud Mages fared much worse against the Elves, but still managed to drag the game back to a draw - although he was 10 points ahead of me thanks to a frigate he managed to prize towards the middle of the game.  Probably the most exciting moment in that game was a pair of destroyers stern raking his battleship, only to get torched by his dragon after causing a single hull point of damage.  His dragon died valiantly on the last move of the game as it made an attack on my battleship - letting my entire fleet shoot at it as it attacked.  It managed to put a point on the battleship, but didn't kill it and win the game for him.  I was faced with a similar situation when my heavy cruiser and cruisers lined up full range band one broadsides on his already crippled battleship.  I rolled well, but I just couldn't manage to knock that last hull point off and win me the game.  An honorable draw after a fun and fast paced battle.

2)  I mentioned in the Monday sneak peak that I had some Firestorm Planetfall rumors and news.  It is supposed to play similar to Dystopian Wars Armored Clash, and they are pushing with Firestorm to eventually be able to go directly from Firestorm Armada to Planetfall in campaigns.  Now this is just rumor and I haven't seen any evidence, but thats what I know.

3)  I have an eBay problem.  I'll be the first to admit it.  I love eBay and think it is awesome.  So I have some new stuff coming down the pike for myself in the coming weeks.

A new fleet for me means demo games and more painting and just a fun time in general.  Variety is the key to happiness and I like variety.  So I bought some Bone Griffons.  The starter set and a blister of Destroyers to be exact.

These beauties to be exact.  Love these models and they are going to be a blast to paint.  I'm thinking kind of a ghostly Greek feel to them.  I'll have to do some research, but I think that would look really nice myself.

4)  Painting update is that I haven't had time to paint anything this week unfortunately.

5)  Finally I get to break out some Dreadball and some Fantasy again!  I have a friend that goes to the same college as I do, and he has literally been chomping at the bit to play Dreadball and he just ordered a lovely Brettonian Army that should be here this evening.  So my rats will get to taste fine Brettonian steel... and they get to eat plague magic.

Final thoughts for this week are that I will be inspecting his fantasy army tonight when he gets them in, so I might be posting picks later this week of them, plus we will be playing a starter box game of Uncharted because he just purchased a huge bundle of orcs this weekend at the store.  So, wish me luck, and until next time...

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