Hope everyone is doing well out there in internet land! Lots of KUH-RAZY things going on out there with points and narrative and open (oh my!) coming to our favorite fantasy setting, AGE OF SIGMAR! Also, Season II for Guildball dropping it hot like a fresh new groove yo. Plus we have the craziness that is Halo Ground Command from Spartan Games coming out, new Malifaux silliness on the way, Bloodbowl teases us DAILY it seems, and to top it all off? Some got-damn sexy looking mo-fo Orruk Ironjawz.
So, lots and lots to coming up in the very near future, es fookin' noots m8s.
Let's start off small, shall we?
Zulrot, a PoS Plague Priest who is doing everything in his power to stand up against the one true Plaguemaster, Malkk, in the Narrative Internet Campaign that I am participating in. Sounds peachy right? Well, I got a good amount of stuff painted up to represent this homeboy on the tabletop. Check it out:
Es nice, no? Muy bien.
So yeah, that all happened about a month ago, no big deal, because since then?
Plus no time with the end of a bunch of classes coming up here in the next week or so. I got good amount of stuff squared away with base coating, but nothing that is even remotely tabletop worthy.
I had started to work on a good amount of "Skyre Stuff" â„¢ What does that mean?
- Stormfiends
- Skyre Acolytes
- Weapons Teams
- Arch Warlocks (plus a sexy converted "Baron von Rattus")
- Warlock Engineers
- Warplightning Cannon
- Doom Wheel
- 17 Plague Censer Bearers (ooooooohhhhhhhh yeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhh)
Heres the family WIP shot
Loving it.
So what else is new then, eh?
These are:
So it this:
And so is this, among other things....
Truly, we are in the absolute GOLDEN AGE OF GAMING. I am so happy to have Age of Sigmar here, along with all of the other goodies that we have here in 2016 for our gaming needs. I love it all, with the exception of how many releases Space Marines get every other week it seems, minus the 30th Anniversary Space Marine, hes pretty baller.
So with that, go out and look at pretty shit and buy it. Age of Sigmar points and "competitive play" is coming, the General's Handbook with 22 scenarios, points for ALL (yes that means Tomb Kings and Brets) warscrolls, 5 (FIVE) Styles of campaigns, and even more coming down the pike.
You have no idea how pumped I am.
Lets rock. Peace out sweet readers. I have to go paint something.