Hey all!
Sorry bout the drought of posts the past few weeks, I've been on vacation in the Northeastern part of the country. As such I've come woefully unprepared for this blog post, but I have some ideas as to what I'd like to write about.
First things first - some GW talk.
The new 40k Orks are freaking awesome. And I'm really looking forward to digging into the Space Wolves vs. Orks campaign. Might have to paint up some vanilla marines and wolf them out in fact...
Aside from that, I purchased Triumph and Treachery finally. CANNOT WAIT TO PLAY THAT. Looks amazing. I've slowly been painting more Rats, this time in the form of some Nightrunners.
However, most of my time lately has been spent exploring new options...
I am a college student. Most of my friends are college students. We are all nerds. We like playing with toys and games, and want more people to play with us.
Miniature wargames are awesome. They are expensive and time consuming - both things that college students seem to be lacking (crazy right?).
Where am I going with this? Well, it's the sad truth that wargames - especially the awesome sauce that is GW - is just too much for most college people to afford. I myself have started to wonder if paying $60 for awesome models is truly acceptable for myself and my budgets. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore GW stuff. My Skaven are my favorite models period. But it's just getting overwhelming.
As an aside, playing GW games and wargames in general is becoming harder and harder to accommodate as well - work schedules, family time, girlfriend time, and veg time - all of these compete and usually win out over hobby time. Our group goes to a game store every Tuesday in an attempt to get some gaming in.
This Tuesday we made a point to try and have a game night with no wargames... And it was an absolute success. We played a card game called Gloom - where players attempt to cause as much hilarious misfortune to their characters before killing them off with morbidly funny cards. Add in a little story telling, and boom: laughs for hours.
Great game!
After Gloom, we cracked out a game of Ticket to Ride. While this is a great game for beginners and as a fun simple game to play - for veteran wargamers and rpg players? The game was fun, but not everything they were hoping for.
Finally, I introduced the guys to Dreadball. You may recall that some of my earliest posts were about starting dreadball. That never happened. I had the box set, but we never attempted to play because of the omnipresence of 40k. So finally, we found another group at the store who ONLY plays Dreadball, and my god did we have a great time....
Veermyn and Corporation go at each other in Sudden Death!
Finally painted up my Orx team.
My Veermyn get their faces stomped in by Nameless on their 4th turn. Ouch.
I have fallen totally in love with this system. It's so fast and so easy that it just is a more enjoyable game then a lot of systems out there. I've order the Veermyn team, and have finished painting up the box set. Next week I'll get a couple more games in, but then it's back to classes the following week. Summer has kinda flown by this year.
After playing a few games of Dreadball, I went ahead and picked up Mansions of Madness to give a go. Really looking forward to playing that one! I'll post lots of pictures when we do, as I'm sure people are curious to see how it goes...
That's all I got for now folks, see you next time!